If We Were Having Coffee Day 7 #SOL21

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I started drinking it just after you left. I realized my need when the pitter patter of two feet changed to four. You would love them both so much.

If we were having coffee, I would show you photos of your nine grandchildren. One a doctor, one a nurse, one an engineer, one a filmmaker, one a recent college graduate waiting to make her mark on the world, two college students and . . .”Guess what?” I’d say, “we have another set of twins! They’re still in high school.”

If we were having coffee, I would share the wedding photos and introduce you to my two daughters-in-law. DIL 1 has a wit that keeps us laughing, she’s fluent in French and she loves cats. DIL 2 is artistic, she designs books and she loves plants. We are a family of six for now.

If we were having coffee, you’d smile at these photos with the same crooked grin I have, the one you gave me.

If we were having coffee, there would be a lot we would need to catch up on since it’s been 26 years since we’ve talked.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I am blogging every day this month. I would have to figure out how to explain blogging to you and the internet, cell phones, Facebook, Instagram and by the way we’re living through a pandemic.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I have thought about blogging about you but it’s been too hard. Many have encouraged me to give it a try but I haven’t had the courage, until today.

She loved being a grandma circa 1993.

If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I miss you. I miss your crooked smile, your Sally Jessy glasses, the joy your grandchildren brought, your sneeze anytime you cooked with black pepper, your precise Catholic school girl handwriting, your hairnet in the morning and even your stomping foot as the expletives exited your lips.

If we were having coffee, there wouldn’t be enough hours in the day to catch up on the 9,558 days you have been gone.

If we were having coffee, all I would need to say is, “I love you, Mom.”

Inspired by The Accidental Inspirationalist and the dirigible plum today.

I am participating in the 14th annual Slice of Life Story Challenge by Two Writing Teachers. This is my third year of daily slicing during the month of March. Thanks for stopping by!

18 thoughts on “If We Were Having Coffee Day 7 #SOL21

  1. Book Dragon says:

    This Slice shows how much you cherish your family and how close you are. (even the ones that have since departed still are part of you)


  2. Thank you for writing this! It was so beautiful and made me think about the people in my life that I wish I could have coffee with. I loved how you repeated that line and I’m so glad you worked up the courage to write this!


  3. This got me teary-eyed too!! Such a beautiful piece of writing and a brilliant way to write about your mom when you haven’t been able to. I love how you’ve added such depth and emotion to this format.


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